Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Solutions
Set Up, Receive and Send EDI
- Set up VAN, FTP, SFTP or AS2 connection with your trading partner
- Conduct connectivity and mapping testing if required by trading partner
- Design UCC-128 or GS-1 shipping container label if required by trading partner
- Receive inbound and send outbound EDI documents from and to trading partner
- Translate inbound EDI documents to format mutually agreed with you
- Translate outbound documents from your format to EDI and transmit to trading partner
- Send and receive EDI997 Functional Acknowledgment for every document received or sent
- Document tracking on web accessible by desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone
Integration of EDI Data with your System
- API, File Exchange, Web Service data transfer
- Conversion from EDI to and from proprietary format
- Integration with certain popular accounting systems
Advance Ship Notice (ASN) with Shipping Container Labels, Auto-Invoicing
- EDI 850 PO data prefilled in EDI 856 ASN Web Form for you to complete for Pick-and-Pack
- EDI 850 PO to auto-generated EDI 856 ASN when packing structure is pre-determined by UPC
- Downloadable UCC-128 or GS-1 shipping container labels generated
- EDI 810 Invoice auto-generated when EDI 856 ASN is sent
- Color coded alert system based on PO ship-date range when provided by buyer
- Auto-email alert notification options available
Warehouse and Third Party Logistics (3PL) Documents
- Create EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order and transmit to your WH or 3PL
- Receive EDI 945 Warehouse Shipping Advise from your WH or 3PL
- Auto-generate EDI 945, pick ticket, packing slip when packing structure is pre-determined by UPC
- Web-based tracking of shipments on desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone
Communications Service to/from Trading Partners
- Value Added Network (VAN)
- AS2
- Per document, per kilo character or flat monthly rate
Other Custom Services
- FAX or PDF-to-EDI manual key-enter for manufacturers, hubs and service bureaus
- Email-to-EDI automated transformation of attached data files
- System design and programming to meet your specific needs
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